Casazza al lavoro

Ciao a tutti, siamo felici di comunicarvi che abbiamo ricevuto da Enzo la notizia che alla scuola di Casazza hanno iniziato a lavorare su questi temi: Storia del quartiere Casazza
Racconti e tradizioni del nostro territorio
Brescia romana

Aspettiamo con ansia i resoconti del lavoro fatto in classe!

1 commento:

Anonimo ha detto...

Best field practices are about the process of retaining efficiency and working models, while replacing aged inefficient processes without interruptions to daily field work orders. This misguided approaches assumes information about the world is transmitted via your eyes, ears and other sensory organs to the thalamus, the brain's central relay station. Laboratory, Editor.Gartner (2008) Assessing the Security Risks of Cloud Computing Rittinghouse, J.Ransome, Cloud Computing: Implementation, Management, and Security. [URL= ]brochure[/URL] In my studio are hanging files stuffed with faded colour photos: Tackle found in long-abandoned woolsheds and cane-cutters barracks.Harness bits from horse teams that no one remembers.Costumes and accessories worn by fashionable ladies in the era of bustles and whalebone corsets.Humble kitchen equipment plied by servants of long ago. The warranty covers defects from the manufacture, but does not include damages on the features of the lighter.